Hear O Israel

Day 1 – Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport

Reception and transfer to Jerusalem; enjoy a panoramic view of the city before arriving at our hotel. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 2 – In the Footsteps of Yeshua in the Holy City

We begin on the Mount of Olives with its magnificent view of the walled city of Jerusalem. Entering the Old City, we will walk along the Via Dolorosa and visit the Pool of Bethesda. From there, we continue through the Jewish Quarter of the Old City to the Western Wall and the Southern Steps, ending the day at the historic City of David, where ongoing excavations reveal amazing details of thousands of years of history. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 3 – Samaria, the heartland of Israel

Beth-El, where Jacob slept and dreamt of a divine ladder of angels, Shiloh, where the people of Israel established the Tabernacle for over 300 years and Alon Moreh, site of Abraham’s alter above Shechem are all part of today’s journey through Samaria. The final stop today will be at Nebi Samuel, traditionally the burial site of the prophet Samuel.Overnight in Jerusalem

Day 4 – Judean Wilderness and the Dead Sea

We travel this morning to the lowest point on earth! Ascend the mountain fortress of Masada, the historical last stand of the Jewish zealots against mighty Rome. At the En-Gedi Oasis, we will learn about David and King Saul and hike to the hidden waterfalls before continuing on to Qumran where many of the Dead Sea Scrolls were written and later found. Before returning to Jerusalem we will have a chance to enjoy a swim in the Dead Sea. Overnight in Jerusalem

Day 5 – Jerusalem – the New City

Today we visit the Israel Museum to explore the Dead Sea Scrolls and the famous model of the Second Temple Jerusalem from the times of Yeshua , and then continue on to the Holocaust Memorial Museum at Yad Vashem. We will drive by the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, and view the impressive seven-branch candelabra, a symbol of Israel since the times of the Hasmoneans. Our day ends with a moving visit at the Garden Tomb with worship and communion. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 6 – Thru the Land of the Philistines

We start the day visiting Bethlehem and the Shepherds’ Fields. At the Elah Valley, we will read about David’s encounter with Goliath and then travel on to Tel Beth Shemesh, along the Soreq Valley where we remember the return of the Holy Ark from the Philistine captivity and the birth of Samson. Driving through the Valley of Ayalon to Tel Aviv we will arrive at the Mediterranean shoreline. Overnight in Tel-Aviv

Day 7 – Up the Coast to the Galilee

Today begins at the ancient port of Jaffa, mentioned in the Bible in connection with Jonah and Peter, and from there we travel north to visit the ancient Herodian port city of Caesarea. We will ascend Mt. Carmel where Elijah battled the Gods of Baal, and then visit Tel Megiddo and the Valley of Armageddon. From there, we drive through Nazareth and Cana to the Sea of Galilee. Overnight in Tiberias

Day 8 – In the Footsteps of Yeshua in the Galilee

Our first stop today is on the shores of the Sea of Galilee to see the remains of a 2,000-year-old fishing boat known as “The Jesus Boat”. We continue to the Mt. of Beatitudes where “The Sermon on the Mount” was given; Korazim, one of the cities where Yeshua taught and Capernaum which was known as “His Own Town.” Crossing to the other side of the sea to the “Land of the Gaderenes”, we will enjoy a boat ride before sunset. Overnight in Tiberias.

Day 9 – South of the Sea of Galilee:

Following a morning baptism service at the Jordan River, we will ascend the epic Mt. Arbel for a breathtaking view of the Sea of Galilee. We continue to Mt. Tabor and visit the En-Harod spring, also known as “Gideon’s Spring”. Driving by Mt. Gilboa, we conclude the day with a tour of Beth Shean, a city that flourished in the times of King David and King Solomon and where the massive archeological remains date back thousands of years. Overnight in Tiberias.

Day 10 – The Northern Reaches of the Promised Land

A nature walk through the Tel Dan Reserve leads us to the famous site of Jeroboam’s Altar, and from there we continue on to the Banias Springs and the archeological site of Caesarea Philippi where we will remember the Lord’s question to His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?”. Our day ends with a drive up to the strategic Golan Heights for a panoramic view of Israel’s northern borders.

Overnight in Tiberias

Day 11 – Leisure at the Sea of Galilee.

Enjoy a swim and some quiet time on the shores where Yeshua walked and ministered before packing and preparing for your departure. Before leaving for the airport, enjoy a farewell banquet.

Day 12 – Depart from Ben Gurion Airport on your flight back home.

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