5 reasons to run the Jerusalem Marathon

By Samantha Lawrence

Running a race abroad should be on every marathon runner’s bucket list, because the experience
becomes something much more.

Here are 5 reasons why you should run the Jerusalem Marathon:

See the Holy Land from a unique perspective

This race will give you the perfect opportunity to see the beautiful sights of Jerusalem’s city, both old
and new, when all roads are closed to vehicles. Imagine hearing your rubber trainers slapping
rhythmically against ancient limestone slabs and modern tarmac, echoing within ancient tunnels and
across a Holy landscape. Imagine hearing spiritual music that makes your hairs stand on end and
running within groups of people from the most diverse cultures in the same spiritual place. That’s
the Jerusalem Marathon.

Turn your race into a holiday

With a marathon travel package, you will be able to explore both the city and the local area with
expert guides and fellow runners, enabling you to sightsee and experience the Holy Land as both a
tourist and as an endurance runner. The travel package is done for you, so you don’t have to worry
about anything but training, running and enjoying the experience.

Experience a new culture

Jerusalem is the city of three religions and is sacred for Jewish, Christians and Muslims. Jerusalem is
more than 3000 years old, has captivating history and architecture. At the same time the downtown
is very modern.
With 90% of the route up or down hills, you’ll see breath-taking views from some of the most
treasured cultural hotspots in the World.

Great motivation for training

What else could help maintain your momentum for training, if not the commitment of joining a
group embarking on a destination marathon? It will certainly help your accountability and provide
you with that extra push when you might need it the most.

Meet new friends

Last year over 30,000 people ran the Jerusalem Marathon, with 10% coming from abroad. You’ll
make new friends throughout the whole experience from the UK and across the world. Possibly
forming friendships for life.